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Significant changes to holiday pay calculations and rules came into effect on April 1st 2024, majorly impacting umbrella company workers across the UK.
New guidance for employment businesses who use umbrella companies to employ workers
Guidance for umbrella company workers is intended to help workers understand when they are employed by an umbrella company.
With a rise in tax avoidance and disguised remuneration schemes, contractors need to be on their guard and be aware and wary of any provider offering them 2 payments for each pay run.
HMRC has issued updated guidance for contractors who work through an umbrella company.
Key information document: guidance for agency workers paid through umbrella companies
Following the recent Pimilico plumber ruling Professional Passport confirms its standards on Holiday Pay.
It is more important than ever that agencies put robust ongoing checks in place so that they know they continue to work with compliant providers.
HMRC is actively issuing tax avoidance warning letters to workers- so what does this mean?
Some nurses could currently be in ‘disguised employment’, rather than self-employed, and would therefore not be covered under the Royal College of Nursing (RCN) indemnity scheme.
Addressing the Issues of Non-compliance in the Umbrella and Payment Intermediaries Sector
The Low Incomes Tax Reform Group of The Chartered Institute of Taxation and PRISM have updated the umbrella factsheet.
HMRC’s has issued updated guidance and information on Mini Umbrellas following BBC revelations.
With the Off-Payroll rules now effective we examine other key considerations that recruiters must look at to achieve a robust compliance position.
In this article Crawford Temple outlines what an umbrella company is and how the umbrella model works.
No. 9 The Compliance Files - Professional Employment Organisations
Tax avoidance is when people bend the rules of the tax system to pay less than they owe. It also means that the vital public services we all use like hospitals and schools, don’t get the money they need.
No. 7 The Compliance Files - Have I got a good idea for you!
No. 6 The Compliance Files - Disguised Remuneration.
No. 5 The Compliance Files - What Expenses Can You Claim?
Crawford Temple, CEO and founder of Professional Passport shares four key areas accountants overlook when opening an umbrella firm.
In this first in a series of discussions Crawford Temple from Professional Passport and Dave Chaplin from IR35 Shield explain what an umbrella company is.
With the new rules coming into effect in April 2021 leading industry experts discuss key steps to consider in preparing.
With the new reforms set for April 2021 we can help if you are still trying to understand and assess your contractors. Our step by step guide is a must.
PRISM and The Low Incomes Tax Reform Group have put together guidance for contractors looking to use umbrella companies.
Employers must ensure their status determinations meet the requirement for reasonable care.
Professional Passport is the only compliance accreditation that provides this insurance backed guarantee.
We are hearing of umbrella providers that are looking to offer a service where they would subcontract services to a contractor’s limited company where there has been an inside IR35 assessment.
We are still seeing an increase in the number of offshore umbrella providers operating in the market and advise extreme caution to any organisation considering one of these providers.